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Westford Youth

Soccer Association

Westford Youth Soccer Association


WYSA encourages coaches to take their teams to tournaments.  There are many local tournaments and they are a great experience for the players.  WYSA will partially fund the expense of a tournament for current season players (see below).  Since many of the tournaments are held during holiday weekends tournament teams can be formed with players from multiple teams.  Players must be registered WYSA players for the current season.  Tournaments are typically for U10 - U19 players (see below for Mass Youth Soccer's policy on tournaments for U8 players.  CLICK HERE for a list of tournaments on the Mass Youth Soccer web site. 

Pepperell Tournament
A popular tournament for WYSA teams is the Pepperell Fall Classic Tournament held over Columbus Day weekend.  For the U8 and U10 In-Town program All-Star teams will be formed with representation from each in-town team.  The All-Star Teams are registered and paid for by WYSA.  The All-Star Coaches will collect $20 payable to WYSA from each player and submit the collected fees to the WYSA Treasurer.  WYSA sponsors the remainder of the registration fee.  Travel teams follow the Tournament Registration instructions below.

Patch Tournaments
Many tournaments are patch tournaments.  After each game the teams exchange their club patches.  At the end of the tournament each player will have a patch from every team they have played in the tournament.  If your team is participating in a patch tournament email [email protected] to request patches. 

Tournament Registration
Players each pay $20 to participate in the tournament.  The player fee is collected by the tournament coach.  WYSA will sponsor the remainder of the registration costs.  The Coach registers the team for the tournament (with the exception of the In-Town All-Star Teams participating in the Pepperell Tournament).  Submit reimbursement requests to [email protected]

There are three payment options for tournaments 

·        Preferred method:  The Coach registers the team and pays the tournament fee directly.  Each participating player pays $20 directly to the coach.  The coach then submits a request via email to the WYSA Treasurer for reimbursement of the balance.  For example if the tournament fees are $350 and 10 players are participating the coach pays the $350 registration fee and collects $200 ($20 x 10) from the players.  WYSA reimburses the coach for the remaining $150.

·        Option 2:  The coach collects $20 from each player made payable to WYSA and submits the money to the WYSA Treasurer a minimum of one week prior to the registration deadline.  WYSA pays the full tournament fee directly to the Host organization. 

·        Option 3:  The coach pays the tournament fee and submits a reimbursement request to WYSA for the full amount.  The coach collects $20 from each player payable to WYSA and submits the collected fees to the WYSA Treasurer.

Tournament Rosters
Most tournaments accept approved MYSL rosters.  For tournament teams with players from multiple rosters the tournament coach can submit multiple rosters.  Any players not participating in the tournament are crossed off.  If a specific tournament roster is required please send an email to [email protected] with a list of the coaches and all team members.  Once the registrar has confirmed that all players are registered with WYSA the approved tournament roster will be emailed to the coach in PDF format. 

Mass Youth Soccer Policy on U8 Tournament Play
Mass Youth Soccer does not sanction tournament play at the Under 8 level except for jamboree type competitions where no scores or standings are kept or posted.


Westford Youth Soccer Association
PO Box 4109 
Westford, Massachusetts 01886

Email: [email protected]
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